
Change the way you travel, be closer to nature. Take a second to appreciate everyday beauty


Agro Tourism

Explore our 25 Acre farmland which consist of different- different fields like Guava field, Sugarcane field, Bajra field and flowers fields. Farm tour will refresh your mood.


Just 2km from our site there’s a Tekdi which can be climbed in just 15-20 minutes. It’s a flat tekdi you can keep on walking for an hour or more to take a look at nearby villages and farms from top.


River is best spot to sit on riverside rock to watch sunset and sunrise with your partner.

Indoor & Outdoor Games

We have 10+ indoor and outdoor games in our premises. You can play Badminton, Football, Volleyball and Cricket in our lawn area or you can play Chess, Carrom, Ludo, Snake and Ladder, Cards, Uno, Zenga and Dart can be played in your accommodation’s private area.

Parallax Image

Change the way you travel, be closer to nature. Take a second to appreciate everyday beauty


Adventure Park

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Sailing School

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